Calendar activitati - ORA Locala (CFR)

sâmbătă, 1 iunie 2013

CQ WW CW 2012

CQ WW CW  2012

Anul trecut participarea membrilor Radioclubului Radu Bratu din Constanta in concursul CQ WW CW era planuita inca din primavara la categoria Multi Operator Single Transmiter, in componenta YO4NA, YO4NF si YO9GZU, cu indicativul YR1C.  Organizatorii au impus ca echipele sa fie declarate , la nivel operator , inca din timp, ca intentie de participare. Drept care YO9GZU  Tibi, a trimis organizatorilor scrisoarea  de intentie cu precizarea ca echipa va participa la categoria XTREME adica va folosi ca modalitate de lucru operarea remote. Intamplarea a facut ca niciun operator sa nu fie prezent langa statie; Cornel YO4NA si YO9GZU la Bucuresti iar Silviu la Constanta la 7 km distanta.  Odata cu scrisoarea de intentie era obligatoriu sa fie descris in amanunt setup-ul folosit. In cazul de fata acesta a fost:
-       TCVR: ICOM 7800;
-       PA:     ACOM 2000;
-       Antena: OptiBeam 18-6;
-       Software: N1MM;
-       Controler antenna: ProSisTel;
-       Operare remote via Skype. Operatorii puteau schimba banda, filtrele si puterea in orice moment, totul fiind pe ecranul computerului propriu.
 Dupa confirmarea de catre organizator a datelor trimise, a aparut ca oportunitate al patrulea operator: YO4DW, tot de la Bucuresti. Rapid, s-a trimis un mail de validare acelui de al patrulea operator si raspunsul a fost de acceptare.
Desi operatorii au fost la distanta, totul a decurs normal fara sincope si rezultatul pe masura: Locul 1 YO dar si castigarea Locului I pe concurs la categoria REMOTE cu acordarea trofeului.

Cornelius YO4DW

Xtreme Category Results By Doug Grant, K1DG
 The Xtreme category allows stations to experiment and test leadingedge technology within the CQ WW DX Contest. Scoring is based on final contest score combined with an innovation score. Seven stations entered the Xtreme category this year. All used at least one remote station. In the single-operator section, Andrey, RW3AH, sitting in Cairo, Egypt (Zone 34), linked into the W2RE station in northern New York and managed over 1,700 QSOs and a 1.6M point score as KL1A/2. Other singleop entrants included LA9GY, OH2XX, and OM2DT. In the multiop section, AA3K’s long-time operating partner W3CC had moved about 10 miles away and they still wanted to do a multi-two. Using the N1MM logging software configured via Windows Networking over the Internet, they were able to operate both stations despite the physical separation, and racked up almost 900k points. The Z6ØWW operation in Kosovo, with a team of operators led by Martti Laine, OH2BH, had planned to operate from one QTH, but discovered severe noise problems on the low bands. They moved part of the station to another QTH 3 km away and continued, ultimately running up a 5.25M point score and 58 Innovation Points. They used a real-time scoreboard system with a display in a public area to promote radiosport in Kosovo for a “social innovation.” The top score, with 5.31M points and 68 Innovation Points for a total Xtreme score of 168, and winner of the K3TUP Memorial Trophy, is the YR1C team (YO4NA, YO9GZU, and YO4NF). The station was located at YO4NA’s holiday house, while the operators were located three separate sites up to 200 km away from the station. A well-planned and executed mix of purchased and homebrew hardware and software allowed full control of radio, amplifier, rotator, and even a noise-cancellation system.                                                                                                             May 2013 • CQ • 2

NOTA:   in articolul din CQ Magazine, may 2013, apar operatorii declarati initial. Diploma acordata si trofeul contine pe toti cei patru operatori.

Un comentariu:

  1. Iti multumesc Doamne ca am trait sa vad asa ceva aici, nu departe de mine. Felicitari Cornel, Tibi, Silviu si tuturor celor care au facut posibil acest proiect. Cornel = tenace, perseverent si altruist ! Bravo, bravo, bravo !!
